Pullet FAQs
Everything you need to know about our Pullet Sale!
Where do you get your chicks?
Due to a reduced variety of offerings from our regular supplier, Jenks Hatchery, almost all of our chicks are being sourced from Murray McMurray Hatchery in Webster City Iowa. The one exception is the April Red Sex-Link pullets that will be sourced from Jenks, located in Tangent, OR.
How do you raise your chicks?
For the first two weeks of their lives, our chicks are raised in a climate-controlled brooder where they always have access to fresh water, high-quality food, clean bedding, and supplemental heat. We then move them from our brooder to our barn with an adjoining paddock, where they can begin to access green grass. As a pasture-based farm, we feel strongly that all animals should have access to forage and green grass early as possible in their lives. After 10 weeks, the chicks are considered pullets. They are fully feathered and no longer require supplemental heat. At this point, they are ready for you to bring home!
What do you feed your chickens?
Our feed comes from Quilted Barn Feed Company in Philomath, OR. They source and mill a non-GMO, no-corn/no-soy mash feed that is as fresh as it gets. The two main ingredients, wheat and peas, are both purchased directly from area farms in the Willamette Valley and Eastern Washington.
Do you vaccinate your pullets?
Our chicks are vaccinated for both Marek's and Coccidiosis. This is a change for 2025 but done in our effort to offer the healthiest birds for you and your flock.
What if I change my mind on having chickens? Can I get a refund?
We offer 75% refunds on orders because we are a small business. Full refunds are offered on a case by case basis. Please be sure you want chickens before ordering them from us!
When can I expect my first eggs?
This is breed-dependent, and there is some variation within each breed. You can likely expect your first egg about 3 months after picking them up from us.
Can you keep our pullets until they start to lay eggs?
We cannot raise your pullets until they start to lay eggs. We can offer a 1-2 week extension on a case by case basis for a $10/week fee. Please inquire ASAP if you need an extension.
I will be introducing the pullets into my flock with older hens. Are there any special considerations?
While there are some considerations and precautions to take, it's very rare to have any long-term issues with flock integration. That being said, each flock of chickens establishes and maintains a pecking order, and younger/smaller hens typically land at the bottom of the order. Hens rarely do permanent harm to pullets, but it can take weeks for the pecking order to fully settle out.
Introducing new hens to your flock is easiest if they are almost fully grown, around 4-5 months of age. Subdividing your coop or run so your older hens and pullets can see and get used to each other before full integration occurs can help ease the transition.
During the introduction period, no matter the hens’ age, it's important to take a few extra steps. Provide multiple feeders and waterers to allow enough space for all birds to have sufficient access. Provide enough roosting space to reduce bullying in the coop to help the pullets establish your coop as their new home.
What do I feed them before they start laying eggs?
We strongly recommend feeding your pullets a “grower ration” feed (~18% protein) until they lay their first eggs. This is higher in protein than layer feed and will better support their development as they reach maturity. Once you collect your first eggs, switch to a layer ration (~16% protein). If you are introducing pullets in with an established flock, consider mixing grower & layer at a 50:50 ratio into your feeders.
Our Quilted Barn Feed is a mash feed, which is non-pelletized. If your feed is pelletized, it may take the pullets a day or two to recognize pellets as a food source. Buying some chicken scratch (unmilled seed mix) and sprinkling it on your pelleted feed can help with the transition.
We also recommend offering your pullets #2 grit before they start to lay eggs to help their crop development for efficient food intake. Once they begin to lay eggs, you can remove the grit and replace it with oyster shell.
It is not necessary to offer oyster shell or other calcium supplements to pullets until they begin to lay eggs. However, it’s not a problem if they have access to calcium because you are introducing them to an established flock.